Gabrea Journal
The ongoing adventures of three Libertines in love!

Daisypath Anniversary Years PicDaisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Long live Los Gatos Negros!
Long live Los Gatos Negros!

Today, Los Gatos Negros de Sayulita were born. Today, I am the luckiest cat in town, as I get to start a new band with some loco-locals, and really start annoying the neighbors con ganas (with pleasure, amigos!) My friends Treva and Ernesto were in a band...they broke up...I got a drum kit whose power was fueled by ancient dreams of rocking... we got together today to fill the gaps... and it was....AWESOME. Silly pictures and posters to follow...

It looked like this.

And a little like this...kinda....sorta...(i.e. second self-indulgent photoshop poster)

Andrea shot some video. It sounded way better than this, in fact you can only hear Treva's awesome voice and most the guitars when I stop playing drums, as you can't expect much from a Canon Sure shot-camera-thingee...Trust me, it sounded awesome, and you know it looked great. Very Sexy. The song is "Fell in Love with a Girl" by the White Stripes, and we do it Awesomely-lee. eeeee.

I am happy tonight.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

It's Thanksgiving today! While being a long time resident of Mexico may make you forget the big day as it sneaks up on you, I must celebrate it loudly, as I have so much to be thankful for!!

My Son holding his new kitten. Carrying little "Puff" across the house, to her litter box, saying "I love her, Dad!". I am thankful for that.

Him hugging both his magic "familiars" Dulce and Puff, and saying "I love you guysssss!!" is pretty awesome too...

My Son going "balls out" literally for my drum kit. He loves it, wants me to play it, dances to my punk rock beats, and is the sing-song-sidekick to my super-hero-drum-dad. He shines around music, and I am thankful for that, so much.

My Wife, and My Son.. My best friends. No one knows me like Andrea, and my boy knows me like no one has ever known a son, to a father. I am thankful for that...ah..Lot.

My Family! Oh my, this picture makes me happy! The amazing wife/best-friend/super-freak of a baby-momma, the 2 cyborg pets...of doom!...and my little demon-seed, Maximo. Also, all our parents, brothers and loved ones not near by but always in our hearts.

We love our home and are so thankful to have a place to call our own, that smells, looks and loves like us, and we give thanks for the friends we are surrounded by in Sayulita, and all the love and power we receive from every one.

Thank you Dark Lords, for all of this!

Maurice Sendak, Carole King, the Dresden Dolls, and cartoons about rebellious kids eaten by lions, backed by tragically upbeat Goth music about seeking love - another Thursday morning in my world...

It All starts here.....with Pierre and Carole King. We always lean towards vintage kids viddy when we can, and a favorite is a collection of animated films from the mind of Maurice Sendak, godlike in our house, and this disc full of animated versions of his books includes his classic "Where the wild things are", as well as some gems you wouldn't know about unless you are a tad bit older than I am (41, bitches!). Anyhoo, the second part of this collection is backed by an all Carole King soundtrack of amazing kids songs that many 70's kids grooved on, and as adults many new fans love. After many watchings and listenings, today we bought the album and I know it will be listened to and watched throughout Maxxi's life. So great. Below is one of our fave stories, "Pierre" about a boy who just doesn't care (like me many days) but learns that it's always best to CARE (not totally sold on that idea....but its a good thought for my kid) after being eaten by a Lion. This awesome version of the animation I found has the Carole King soundtrack removed, and replaced by a cover version played by a band close to my heart, the Dresden Dolls. The band I just joined (fun!) is doing a cover of another one of their songs (see below) so they rock. Enjoy this stoney thread of musical and cartoon consciousness....

Maurice Sendak's "Pierre" - music by Carole King, performed by the Dresden Dolls

The Dresden Dolls playing it live... great music transcends genre and time...may bore non fans...

And lastly, my fave Dresden Dolls song, which as through a dream come true (my life is full of those, by the way...) the band I am jamming with is going to play! So great. This is Coin-Operated-Boy, very awesome song and viddy.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We got a kitten today. "Puff" the magic cat-dragon, as she has been dubbed, has many roles in our world - she is the first kitten to Maxxi (he still loves his doggy better...), arch enemy-slash-best friend to Dulce (said dog), and future "Ratera" or mouse killer for us! We love kittens and used to be actual "Cat people" before we realized how much better dogs were, but mostly we are gonna be stoked when little Puff becomes Puffy the mice slayer. Sure, sure, we will fall in love with her, but we hope in the future she does not let her cuteness make her lazy, as it does for many people. For today, we have an awesome new family member, who happens to be incredibly tiny and cute, and we already love her.

Saul Bass, Star Wars and the future of the Blah Blah Blog

After almost 5 years of blogging in this journal, started right before we left the states for Mexico, the Blah Blog is getting a face lift! I am pretty stoked as I have become bored of it's look and lack of features - such as easy wandering back through back posts, links to sites I follow, and more. Keep an eye for the big change hopefully before the new year. The visual direction I am taking it in is based around the art of Saul Bass, an American graphic designer and Academy Award winner that worked with many of the movie greats on such opening sequences design as Psycho, North by Northwest, and my fave, The Man with the Golden Arm.

Here are the opening credits for the latter, a movie about a jazz drummer who is addicted to Heroin. Love the subject matter, and love that Frank Sinatra played the drummer. The movie by Otto Preminger is pretty awesome as well, as you can see in the above trailer link.

There are alot of Saul Bass homages to modern movies out there, but here is my fave, no suprise to me or those who know me. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

More Revolution!

La Familia mas Enamorada, Revolution Day Centennial, Nov 20 2010

Always great photos by Donna Day, friend and role model in photography!

They grow up so Quick

Maximo is sleeping in his big boy bed for the first time tonight. 10 minutes ago, we left him in his room, in his big bed, surrounded by plush friends and dreams of goat cheese (he had it for dinner, and really really liked it. I am sure he is dreaming of it right now... ). He seemed very open to the new bed, seemed to appreciate the amount of room he had, and we think felt generally safe. Mom and Dad (and his beloved Dulce) are across the hall, and as soon as we start to leave the door open to his room, he will surely have his doggie partner in crime sleeping with him. This is a special night, but its true, he is growing up too quick. We need a new baby ASAP!

Mom putting little Maxxi down for his first big boy sleep... so sad yet happy at the same time... and proud of our little man.

A family that drums together... rocks together!

Day 2 with the cherry bomb drum kit! Hangin' out with awesome soul brother Jess and Maxxi - bangin' drums and making music in a family way!

the Cherry bomb casually changing a spare room into a rehearsal space...with style!

Talkin' bout a Revolution (day)

Father and Son revolutionaries - Mexican Revolution day 2010

Yesterday, November 20th 2010 was the celebration of the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution, always a fun time every year. On this day, in the year 1910, the Revolutionary war began. While this was a time of political stability and general growth for the country, things were not good for the people's well being - thus, political unrest reared its lovely head as it's known to do in our lovely adopted country. Some of the more famous faces to come from this uprising were the revolutionaries Pancho Villa and Emilio Zapata, awesome cabrones on many fronts.

We celebrate Revolution day in Mexico with parades and small children (and some adults) dressing as revolutionaries and other traditional Mexican characters. Horses dance, Bands play, and many of us (Me!) drink much of the day. We started our day wandering the festivities, and then moving on to mid day naps right after. My kind of revolution.

If you want to know more about Sayulita's history, Revolution and the formation of it's Ejido , check out this great story from El Sayulero by Yesica Doreli Ramos Gomez HERE!

Viva la Revolution, Mexico!!

Horses dance in the streets of Sayulita

Locals check their heads out in the campo where the festivities were held this year...

More locals rocking vintage wear

My little revolutionary with his rebellious Auntie Treva

...and his big sister Astrid, looking all beautiful in Mexican garb

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