Holy Week, Yo-Yos, and enjoying boredom during our slow descent into life

that remind us that we ain't in Kansas anymore...in fact, it ain't even Kentucky.
We miss our family and friends. Week 2 and that continues to settle in - we won't see our loved ones for some time, and it weighs on us. Keep writing, and know we miss you all...being away is tough some days. With that said...
You would think that the hardest things to adjust to would be living in a foreign
country and all the free chaos that naturally comes with it, with the rest being cake. We don't have jobs, we get to hang out together all day, warm beaches, bars, etc. Good times, no? Well, yes on every front...but sometimes your brain and heart get in the way and whisper sweet darkness into your ear, and assure you forget every reason you came to this far away dirt road of a paradise. Suddenly, not having anything to do all
day can seem a burden, and getting caught up in the mundanity (if that is not a word, it is now...) of not having a "career" to define us can seem a challenge. I know, this seems rediculous, but try leaving everything that has defined you for years, and see how the first few weeks go. Anyway, this is a growing period for us, as surely the ongoing months will continue to be. We are finding it necesarry to discuss often that we WANTED to leave our previous states (of mind/body) for a reborn creativity, and that having free days was our goal...now we have to let ourselves wallow in the time we have given ourselves and grow anew.

The time we have spent here is mostly spent at home, and that is something we really have been enjoying, because it is most like our personal time back in SF. We excercise in the morning (we are back in the habit - happy happy), and make all meals at home,
minus a weekly eat out. The rest of the days are filled with learning and returning to things we haven't had time to do in the past days back home - writing in journals, taking photos, drawing here and there, and other little things that bring us joy. Andrea has really been keeping her focus on one of her main goals - learning spanish. She has been using the most accredited online spanish school that we found before leaving the U.S., and takes time every day to take 1 hour lessons. Her spanish has always been great, but continues to impress in her daily interaction with our new neighboors. Of note: she succesfully explained "Gentrification" in spanish to our friend Mercario. She rules, and should be proud. I am very proud of her. That's "orgulloso" to you spanish students at home.
These past few days continue to bear creative fruit, in the form of 2 fun pastimes -
all sting related. First, though we had started practicing guitar (andrea) and Uke
(gab) slowly on our own, we really hit a stride recently by practicing together. This not only raised the fun factor, but also the learning curve. In one afternoon, we learned "oh my darlin' clementine" and "skip to my lou"...not masterpieces by any form, but we were excited and are now motivated to practice more. Then, 2 days ago, andrea picked up the Yo-Yos we recieved as gifts, and within a day, was doing such famous tricks as "walking the dog" and other neat, and often dangerous tosses of her green wheel of doom. Truly a learning machine, that girl. Big thanks to Billy and Stephanie, who's gifts and kindness made all of the above possible.
A preoccupation of mine has been the now weeks-long seperation from my hair stylist (noel, i miss ya). Those who know me should not be surprised by this, but please have a laugh on me, would ya? Well, off i went to get my first mexican haircut, and was blessed to meet John (husband of the nice lady Grazziella who styled andrea's hair for the wedding). He is british, and an awesome guy who cuts great hair. He and his wife have also been here for 12 years, and are full of great inspiration and experience that is great to hear about. New friends, new haircut, all is well...it's the little things that matter...
Seems that the world is also pretty small, as we are all often reminded of...the other day wandering through town, we met this nice gal, tattooed, and kind. After some conversation, we found that she was from the bay area, that we had met years ago, and that she knows many of our good friends. Small world indeed...
To wrap up, we will end on the wise advice front. One of our new friends, Mercario, a great man who helps keep our current house in good shape, stopped by and is always friendly and ready to share his thoughts with us. He has a lovely family and has been in sayulita his whole life, and remembers it being a very different place before it became what it has become. As we discussed our feelings about being new here, often being looked at as if we are from mars (tattoos), he opened our eyes to the views of the locals - views that are more familiar than we would have thought. Seems that the older locals see tattoos, and connect us to the swarms of hippies that have inundated Sayulita for years, and think "lazy, drunk, trouble". Though we playfully could embrace all those words, it really isnt us, and we never want anyone posting those signs on us. Much like anywhere else in the world, it takes knowing someone for assumptions to fade away, and he suggests taking the conversation to the locals, for though they may seem reserved, they appreciate people conversing with them and discussing that which makes them curious. We have long believed that we could win anyone over with just 5 minutes of talk, and are already putting this new effort into affect everytime we go into town. In the end, "be yourself, dont be rushed to be accepted, and your true heart will shine through and win the town over". Wise words from a wise man.

Ok friends, I end this ramble on a Sunday, the beginning of "Semana Santa", or holy week. The town is filling with Mexicans on vacation from all over the country as they inundate the beaches around the coasts. Most the local americans actually leave for 2 weeks and leave the town to the natives, but we are staying to enjoy the religious chaos. So far, lots of marching music, and little bands wandering the streets. When Waylon Jennings wrote "there ain't no god in Mexico" i think he hadn't been here during holy week.
Till next time, know that we miss you all, and being away from those we love is not easy. Be safe and love each other.