I, Teacher
Sr. Gabbi, CVIS 5th/6th grade art class, day 1
Character design, and the freedom of art
A life long dream came true this week, when I got my first chance to teach a class-room of children. I have always thought teaching was one of the coolest professions ever, and dreamt of getting the chance to teach. In the states, that would be virtually impossible, being a college drop-out and a proud ne'er-do-well. In Mexico, anything is possible. My awesome friend Treva, an inspiration as a Parent, Wife and all around free-spirit, also happens to be the art teacher at Costa Verde International School - Mexico's first sustainable green school. She had to take a few weeks off to revel in the birth of her sister's baby, and asked me to Sub. Me, not just a regular teacher, but a substitute teacher!! Subs are the best, totally better than regular teachers, and I was going to be one!! Awesome.
I shadowed Treva before she split town, but as my first solo day approached, I felt nerves I haven't felt since I first went surfing. Plus, these kids are like little magic creatures - they can see right through you. You can't fool 'em! Damn, their eyes. THEIR EYES!!!!
Anyhoo, after I slowed down the speed of my "presentation" and really got their groove, they dug the idea that they could draw whatever they wanted, and there were no boundaries in character creation, things really caught it's stride - the first class, 5th and 6th went awesome. 3rd followed, and next week I have them plus 1st, 2nd (the worst i hear...) and 4th. Pretty amazing to even be writing about this. As my dearest friend KT would say, its our "pretend life" - pretend to be a teacher, and be careful, you may just end up one. Fucking Awesome.

Character design, and the freedom of art
A life long dream came true this week, when I got my first chance to teach a class-room of children. I have always thought teaching was one of the coolest professions ever, and dreamt of getting the chance to teach. In the states, that would be virtually impossible, being a college drop-out and a proud ne'er-do-well. In Mexico, anything is possible. My awesome friend Treva, an inspiration as a Parent, Wife and all around free-spirit, also happens to be the art teacher at Costa Verde International School - Mexico's first sustainable green school. She had to take a few weeks off to revel in the birth of her sister's baby, and asked me to Sub. Me, not just a regular teacher, but a substitute teacher!! Subs are the best, totally better than regular teachers, and I was going to be one!! Awesome.
I shadowed Treva before she split town, but as my first solo day approached, I felt nerves I haven't felt since I first went surfing. Plus, these kids are like little magic creatures - they can see right through you. You can't fool 'em! Damn, their eyes. THEIR EYES!!!!
Anyhoo, after I slowed down the speed of my "presentation" and really got their groove, they dug the idea that they could draw whatever they wanted, and there were no boundaries in character creation, things really caught it's stride - the first class, 5th and 6th went awesome. 3rd followed, and next week I have them plus 1st, 2nd (the worst i hear...) and 4th. Pretty amazing to even be writing about this. As my dearest friend KT would say, its our "pretend life" - pretend to be a teacher, and be careful, you may just end up one. Fucking Awesome.