Gabrea Journal
The ongoing adventures of three Libertines in love!

Daisypath Anniversary Years PicDaisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Morning T.V. - Maximo and Me

tele-vision Quest

I love T.V. Always have, always will. I was raised on T.V. and enjoy it as a visual valium, a after-day mint. We haven't let Maximo watch much tele in his first 2 years, but lately there is more in his life, here and there. Sesame Street for his Elmo fix, various cartoons which i love as well, and my favorite, if not his, the Super Hero Squad - a kiddies version of my fave Marvel Comics heroes. Here we are, one recent morning, sharing in the ancient tradition of zoning out in front of the box.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gabbi and Nick - Dads most awesome, Fathers day 2010

Fathers and Children

Today was Father's day, and I had the honor of spending it with another great Pop, my pal Nick Sherman. He is a good friend, husband, father and all around often-do-well. I feel lucky to have the people like him in my life. It was truly such a great day - I slept in till 9:30am, while Andrea entertained the boy, then when i woke, I was fed a lovely breakfast and told to run off to a 1.5 hour acupuncture and massage session with our good pal Micheal
Abramson. So relaxing. From there, i went home, opened so many awesome gifts with my family, drank, smoked and off to La Lancha we went. We spent a great day with our lovely friends, surfing, sunning and enjoying the most mellow, perfect Sunday. I am spoiled, and am the luckiest Dad ever.

Maximo and Astrid, the 2 best kids a couple of awesome Dad's could dream of!

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