Gabrea Journal
The ongoing adventures of three Libertines in love!

Daisypath Anniversary Years PicDaisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, August 20, 2010

Going back to Cali
Going back to Cali

This Sunday we are heading back into the old 'hood, our stomping grounds, where we began what we've become - Northern California, and all the glorious grounds that bear our roots; San Jose, San Francisco, and all the far-out places there-about. Not only do we get to see the fab faces of old friends we haven't seen in years, but they get to meet our boy Maximo, and he gets to meet all his new Aunties and Uncles. That plus seeing our families make this a trip too awesome. We are deep in packing mode, space is limited!

Sure beats paying for an extra seat for Maximo! Look how happy he is...

No babies were hurt in the taking of these pictures!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"La Madera ya esta muy alta..."
"La Madera ya esta muy alta..."

too high. not good.

I recently went for a surf, and hung out in the smalls for 2 hours, surfing by myself and having a great time while my more experienced co-horts jammed in the big boy area. At the end of my surf, I paddled out to where they were, and immediately got caught in the wrong spot on the right wave. What could have been an epic ride, was a fear-bag, destined for pain. As I knew that i was too high up, and no time to act, I held on to my board, and just ... fell. As I was tumbled underwater, i felt the current take me, and miraculously, came out the front, popped up, and rode the wave. I lucked out, and laughed the whole way. In-experience helped me survive. A few weeks later, in a similar situation, I had the time and maybe slight experience enough to pull off the wave, and not bail... a local Mexican surfer looked at me and said "La Madera ya estaba muy alta!" which means "The wood was already too high on the wave" - thus, on a cliff, destined to bail. Those words stick with me, as does the experience, which I laid down in pencil above.

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