Summertime for the Leisure Class, year 2

Lately my focus, or lack there of, has been on our house, Casa Loteria, which as I publish this
entry, is as finished as it is going to be. The construction crew is on its last day today, and we will have our yard, our home, our mornings....ah, ourselves again. Its crazy, really. Its odd how used you get to having people literally outside your bedroom window for almost a year. Its unsettling, then eventually, becomes comforting...knowing something new is getting done, and when you wake, there will be a pile of questions and decisions to make about something you love so much, your home. It has come so far in this year, and we are both truly proud of all the things that have been accomplished in the year past.... come visit... oh yeah, i planted grass - so we have a lawn. Awesome.

On a completely different note, from the "Do not forget you are in Mexico" file, today, some of
the guys working on our house called us over. This means they have found some critter / creature for me - dead or alive? Who knows, these guys are maniacs, in the coolest sense of the word. In the past, they have brought me: 1) a live, very large iguana 2) various tarantulas - on display in my living room, bottled in formaldehyde...thank you very much and 3) 2 baby ducks - tried to raise them, they died.
Today was a special day, for what they showed us could kill me - easily. Half a block from my house, 7 feet from my Van i go into every day, and in the bush we walk thru daily, was a 5ft Python, easily thick as a brick. Crazy. One of many funny parts about this is our neighbors moved their Pig (Por-que' we call him....get it?) to the other side of their yard so the python wouldn't kill him. Moved their pig. From the snake. I don't know, that just sounds funny. Anyway, snake big, Mexico awesome. He was killed by end of day by be-heading...sorry snake lovers.

We are gearing into our next wedding season, and it's looking to be a rocker! Starting in October, we have 6 weddings in 6 weeks, in a row. This is new high for us, coming off the success of last season - we really learned alot, totally enjoyed it, and are stoked to be going into another big season. We are aiming to get at least 12 weddings done next season, hopefully without going
nuts! We also took another house in our property management business, and this being our full first season, we are going to see how that goes. Swimmingly, i am sure. Honestly, we are just so happy to have work, a tiny income, and no rent to pay. Very lucky are we. We are enjoying summer to it's fullest, knowing that our busiest year in Mexico is ahead, and took a trip to Mascota, a colonial mountain town was amazing, and the more we see of Mexico, the more we fall in love with its wonders.

In the next few weeks, we are being gifted with visitors! Our dearest friends Jay and Kelly Heapy are coming to visit, after their adventurous year living in London, working hard, living abroad and an un-abridged life, finding new experiences, and eventually finding they were looking for something else - have now settling into Truckee, California and are loving their latest conquest - they are not only dear friends, but have been role models, inspirations, and wonder-walls for us to admire and learn from for years. We are just beside ourselves that we will get to see them in person soon, face to face. Jason and I bonded the day we met, so many years ago working at Macy's together...i mean, in the first 10 minutes, we were making plans to do hard drugs together....that's my kind of friendship. I cherish him, and know few men in my life that are as close to my bloodline as him... and his wonderful wife, a friend for years, and a friend for life. Anyway, August 31st is Jay's birthday, and we get to spend it with them!! 3 weeks and counting till amazing times...
That is all for now. More to come, but off to sit in the hammock for a while and contemplate the rest of the day. Love is all around.