They grow up so Quick
Maximo is sleeping in his big boy bed for the first time tonight. 10 minutes ago, we left him in his room, in his big bed, surrounded by plush friends and dreams of goat cheese (he had it for dinner, and really really liked it. I am sure he is dreaming of it right now... ). He seemed very open to the new bed, seemed to appreciate the amount of room he had, and we think felt generally safe. Mom and Dad (and his beloved Dulce) are across the hall, and as soon as we start to leave the door open to his room, he will surely have his doggie partner in crime sleeping with him. This is a special night, but its true, he is growing up too quick. We need a new baby ASAP!
Mom putting little Maxxi down for his first big boy sleep... so sad yet happy at the same time... and proud of our little man.
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