Paradise re-found
After a long, wet, hot summer - full of turmoil and challenges including-but-not-exclusive-to floods and fallen bridges - we are all reminded again that we live in paradise. This last weekend the weather shifted from humid and hot to pleasantly cool and perfect. While we live by the beach where most of the year its sunny, and sand is always between our toes and in our shoes, every year Summer comes, the heat rises, the rains pour down and things get shitty and complicated. Summer in Mexico can try the most patient of souls, and make you want to run for the hills, literally. That is why many part timers are glad to have their 2nd homes somewhere else. Funny that at the beginning of every summer I write how much I miss it, and at the end I babble how glad I am its gone. Funny. Ha-ha? Queer? yes.
It's a Sayulita myth, truth, half-truth - that every year the weather changes on October 15th, mid month. We have always heard this, and even spread the myth ourselves. This year, I swear, it happened that very weekend, more around the 17th, but still.... And my birthday being on the 14th didn't hurt my frown turning upside down, worries of the last weeks melting in a pile of happy-tears and joy-songs with my boy and wife. Lots of great time at home, no rain, all love, so good.
My boy is 2 and counting and molting into the most amazing little question mark. So many questions, so many answers, so Maximo. I love him. I love him. I love him. Loving him is loving his mother, which has always been easy for me, even before she was a mother. My favorite thing is him yelling "My mother!" when I take too much of her time, or "My Father!" If I hold any other kid. Possession rules. Speaking of possession, he had me at "I'm Darth Vader Daddy!!"...oh, my boy.
Anyhoo, summer is quickly becoming a faded memory (except if you walk through my town and see the fallen bridge, and washed away homes) ... and I wanted to make note of how lovely it is to appreciate Paradise again, with my loves in my arms and hearts.
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