California Dreaming Revisited
California Dreaming Revisited
California Dreaming Revisited

This Summer we took a vacation to top all summer vacations, based around Maximo's 2nd birthday, and reunions with distant loved ones. We started planning this trip 1 year before with our friend Katie, as a family get-away to Yosemite, getting our kids together for the first time, and generally to have an awesome time with friends not seen in many daze. Over the year it grew to be a 4 week family-and-friends-free-for-all. So much love, so many memories, it breaks my heart with love thinking back. Thank you to all the people in our lives that make us feel whole, known and loved.
Here is a glimpse at the best of days...
We landed in the safe and warm embrace of the Rogers-Dahlman clan, deep in the heart of Redwood City. Maximo's new best buddy, Owen, showed him the best time, and the lightsaber battles and love were flowing freely. It was the perfect place to start this adventure, with the most amazing family treating us like royalty. Long time dear friends, and role models on how to be awesome parents. I miss them.
The honorable Billy Stoops, Andrea's pappy, Maxxi's main man, and My rock and roll lord, met us in Oakland, and the family grew by one awesome Gran-daddy. Off to Sacramento for more Grandparent love, taking off from this fairly sketchy train station.
Maximo turned 2 on August 27th, and Nono and Nona Villarrubia got him his first bike. Next, the Harley.
Summertime in Lincoln, CA. Its a "dry heat"...its a fucking hot heat.
My Pops!
Maximo's birthday, Monterey Bay Aquarium!
Jellyfish are stoney.
San Jose, California - back yard BBQ with all the old crew, at Katie's house. Best friends, the people who knew ya when, and so glad to see them now. Them meeting Maximo was a big part of this trip, and now Maxxi has all the awesome uncle and aunties he could ever dream of.
Loving life in Truckee, CA - the Heapy Home, hosts Jay and Kelly in our arms, fresh Cosmos in our hands, and Maximo behind the camera
Jay Heapy, the biggest man on the boat, impressing the extremely hot chicks behind him with his girth...
Russian River, casa Culture Blend - Labor Day Weekend. Another special time with old friends and sights for sore eyes. We left here full of love, and reminded now matter how far away we may be, we have people who know us and love us.
Drinks and Dominoes.
9 A.M. Every day.
Our Yosemite (and life) spirit guide, Jason Heapy, with Half-dome dwarfed by his heart, behind him. Maximo's most favorite uncle. Uncle Jay is with us every day.
My family, Sunrise, Yosemite, Half-Dome, full happy.
Here is a glimpse at the best of days...

Yosemite, Glacier Point - the tears are from the sun in my eyes, and my love in my arms.

The end of the road. It often ends where it begins. With family. Saying goodbye to Nono y Nona Villarrubia, and forever remembering their kindness throughout this entire trip. We want to see them more, and Maximo needs to see them more! He is so happy with them, and we are too. Thank you Moms and Pops. Hasta la proxima...
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