Born Free...41 years ago!
Born Free...41 years ago!

I love my birthday! My awesome wife always takes care of me, makes me feel the most special, and most often gets me a tattoo! While she is cautiously optimistic that I won't tattoo my face anytime soon (pretty sure I'm gonna tattoo my face before I die...which could be soon...) she seems OK with me covering my hands. Another dedication to how much I love her, our son and staying free can't hurt. Well, the pinkie and pointer finger hurt. Alot. But that was but moments in a life full of equal pain and pleasure. I'll take that any-day.
We all tattoo ourselves for different reasons. Some for art, some for reminders, some for both. My body is covered in words about freedom, liberty, and staying true. Life is not easy, and we should not think it will ever be...difficulty should not limit us, but inspire us. This tattoo reminds me that we were born free, with the opportunity to be anything we want. Sure, some of us have more opportunity, some less, but we all have free will. I was born in a poor, immigrant family, and I can share stories of my family first in the U.S. that will shake ya a bit. With that said, my old man took what liberties he earned in his traveling from his home to a scary, far off land, and made his life. All our lives are ours to make, and we need to remember we are born free with these options. I was born free. I have all I need. The love of a good woman (Brothers! Listen! Treat your woman well. Go tell her you love her right now!). The joy of a family...and free will. What more can a man ask for? To die free? I am working on it.

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