Halloween is wonderful! Last year was great, manipulating our little 1 year old into his Max and the Wild things costume, but this year things took a turn for the better...a turn to the dark side! Maximo is a little boy now, totally aware of his world, and his little place in it. He knows what he loves - Thomas the Tank engine, Cars, Superheroes, and most of all (besides Mom and Dad as he is prone to call us lately...) Star Wars! Daddy being a major Star Wars geek, this is John Williams music to my ears and eyes. Maxxi was stoked to be Darth Vader this year, and Andrea and I got back into the Halloween groove we have always been stoked on, and made some costumes with the help of our dear friend Lisa Brewer, who really made them, we just guided her spirit with our geeky-ness. Anyway, this is what Mexican-Halloween-awesomeness looked like...
Father vs. Son - Dark Jedi Battle, Sayulita Plaza October 31, 2010 - notice Mommy's Princess Leia hair-do shadow on the ground, oddly placed drumkit in the background, and totally tripped out little un-costumed Mexican kids all around. Odd times.

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