The Good Shit
Lots of great stuff in our lives right now. Season has started in Sayulita, the sun is out, the nights are (very) cool, and things feel a bit back to normal after a long summer. So much awesome... here are few things that strike me as extra awesome this morning...
Affection from my Son
Affection from my Son

Maxxi started being extremely affectionate this last week. He is a lover of a kid anyway, but started handing out hugs like candy, and not wanting to take a pic unless he was hugging one or both of us in the picture. He is constantly, without provocation, telling us we are his best friends, that he loves us, and asking "Do you love me Mommy/Daddy?". These are special times.

My Love of Sayulita

I love my town, and without floods and all the other natural disasters of late, plus the weather evening out, its easier to love. Above is a pic of some horses I took on the way to "work" yesterday. Maxxi loves horses, and these horses were clearly in love. This is an everyday sight for us, and we never take for granted the rustic-ness of our world. Below is a pic taken on Day of the Dead by our friend and amazing photog Donna Day. It captured the feeling and the look of our graveyard in the best way possible. I was and continue to be fascinated by this picture, and am glad to have it in my world. The last pic below is a foto I found online of our town. Don't know who took it, but it sings and shows a lovely side of our town. Glad to live here.

Sunday Mornings taste awesome again - Rollie's makes us fat and happy!
If you have visited Sayulita, you most likely have eaten at Rollie's. A local legend and wonderful long-time establishment, Rollie Dick and his wife Jeannie (and a wonderful cast of community members) run this breakfast (and dinner) joint by treating their guests like family, and feeding them till they need to be rolled home! Andrea and I feel season has started and ended with the opening and closing of Rollie's. Lucky for us, season just started! Rollie is famous for singing the "Rollie's song" with his son taped over the stereo. It's something we all love, never tire of, and makes us feel like we are home. Here it is, in it's entirety, with the man at the mike.
Life is good! Get me some more pancakes, stat!
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