I used to play drums when I was a few (many) years younger. For some time, I dreamed of being a famous drummer in some awesome Punk / Goth / Rock n Roll band - while I did join many an awesome band, I never did get famous outside local scenes and west coast tours. I gave it my all for a long time, had a fucking good time in my late teens/early 20's ...and then around 27 I gave up that dream for other dreams in film, video games and general wonderfulness - all to come true. While I always missed playing live and being in a band, I did not miss the challenges of being married to 4-5 guys, most of everyone on drugs, in bad relationships, long drives in vans across states... you get it - shit always going wrong just when it was right. Anyway, I always looked forward to getting a kit some time again and rocking out with good people. Now I am 41, and today I bought a drum kit again! So stoked. Not only do i get to share this with my son, who absolutely loves music and the drums I'd say by tonight's first-time chaos party we had setting them up, but I also have some great friends/fiends I am going to get to jam with - and if they like my vintage rusty skills, its an insta-band! Like minded freaks, soul-sisters and brothers. Awesome. I got the music related high I haven't had in years, and it feels goooood...
Big Daddy Gab - circa Today, November 2010 - new kit, Villarrubia family spare bedroom/new rehearsal spot in Sayulita, Hair thinning... smile wide.
Little Maxxi - My biggest fan, the little drummer boy to be.
Taking the new steed out for a ride...

Taking the new steed out for a ride...
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