Gabrea Journal
The ongoing adventures of three Libertines in love!

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We got a kitten today. "Puff" the magic cat-dragon, as she has been dubbed, has many roles in our world - she is the first kitten to Maxxi (he still loves his doggy better...), arch enemy-slash-best friend to Dulce (said dog), and future "Ratera" or mouse killer for us! We love kittens and used to be actual "Cat people" before we realized how much better dogs were, but mostly we are gonna be stoked when little Puff becomes Puffy the mice slayer. Sure, sure, we will fall in love with her, but we hope in the future she does not let her cuteness make her lazy, as it does for many people. For today, we have an awesome new family member, who happens to be incredibly tiny and cute, and we already love her.

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