32 weeks and counting
Andrea is in her 32nd week of pregnancy and is looking more amazing every day. It's getting hotter and hotter each moment that passes, but she is a trooper, a survivor, a baby-mama like no other - keeping her head cool, even in extremely hot weather. I am in full visualization mode, constantly trying to imagine what the little man is going to look like, but all I see is a tiny little baby body, and my full grown ugly face! Ha. Let's hope he doesnt come out with my mug, at least not an old version.
We are in full blown "nesting" mode, working hard to get our house ready for our new friend, and for us on the road there. One step is getting some AC for our bedroom. It's hard enough to sleep some nights with the heat, humidity, but imagine being pregnant. Well, Andrea is living it, so we are trying to upgrade our little house. We are also
putting in doors to our bedroom and bathroom (thank you Mexican Home Depot!). Doors...there is a novel idea. As we enter July, really the last month before "the arrival", we will get into setting up the baby's bed - this awesome little device that connects to Andrea's side of the bed and extends the bed so the baby sleeps in its own space, but is arms reach from momma...pretty neat - as well as get spaces set aside for the babies stuff. Though we only have one bedroom, it's cool its already painted fun colors, so its easy to transform parts of it into baby-land. We have been getting alot of great clothes from our friends here in town, and friends abroad, so we do alot of holding up of tiny T-shirts and imagining a little boy in them. That's fucking fun. Can't wait till the imagining is over, and we get to meet the little Man.

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