4 years down on the upside

It was shortly after our wedding in Sayulita on May 23rd, 2004 (see official dated tattoo for confirmation / enjoyment) that we truly commited to our exiting Eden (Adam and Eve's golden cage) and moving towards our own Shangri-la, lost horizon, mystery city, what be it. 2 years of planning / work / constant american-style celebration passed, and off we went. We have been in Mexico a little over 2 years now, and always look at our wedding here as one of the defining moments in our path to Sayulita. Wether its the fact that we can only seperate with the help of lawyers now, or just that we found yet another way to concrete our endless love, getting married gave us super
powers we never could have imagined, and squandered them we have not. The Gabbi + Andrea union (also known as "Gabrea" to many - thanks to our pal Jerry McLeece for dubbing us that years ago due to our "2 headed monster" visage...) has allowed us to farm dreams and make what we can of them without fear of failure, demise, or other trappings of taking risky steps towards anything.

I love being married, I am so glad She loved me enough to ask me to marry her, and that every day I get to share my life with her. It's pretty cool that we now help other love-turds get married here in Sayulita, and get to share the love we have for Sayulita, marriage, and commitment with tons of great couples also in love. Love and Marriage indeed.
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