In a Family way
My folks visited us recently, and we had a wonderful visit. This is good news, since the last time my Mom and Dad were here together, things did not go so well. You see, Sayulita is a tough town parts of the year, especailly if you are my Mom. The roads are dusty, bumpy, and at that time, very muddy. Never the less, this time was in a better season, and it was wonderful. We stayed a few days in a big, fancy all-inclusive hotel (the good life), and then they stayed in a house here in Sayulita for the rest of the trip (the real life). I love my mother and father, and appreciate deeply everything that they have given me, both personally, spiritually, emotionally, and family wise. They made me the man I am today in so many ways, and I am proud of being their son. Its funny how long it takes in ones life to realize certain things about your family - the bad things are evident right off the bat, but the good things seem hidden behind the latter till we are mature enough to come to terms with them. I think on this much these days, as the birth of my Son nears. What will he think of me? Will it take him till his 30's to realize how awesome Andrea and I are? Who knows, but I do know that he will have loving, wonderful grandparents in his life, and I hope he gets to spend much time with them.

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