Lately, my dog Dulce has taken to wearing a tiny-little sombrero around the house. When I ask her about it, all she does is look at me as to say "Que?" If I spoke spanish dog language, I am sure that is exactly what she is saying. Dulce was born in Guadalajara, and recently, Andrea and I took a trip to her birth city, to celebrate our own anniversary. Dulce, to her dismay, was not invited. I believe that this, along with the fact that we made her wear a pink tennis sweater in her younger years, has brought out her recent "heritage-wear" thing. Both Andrea and I obviously love Mexico, and support anything Dulce wants to wear around the house. We have always been proud of our multi-culty family.
Lately, my dog has taken to wearing a tiny-little sombrero around the house, and I love it.
Viva Mexico! Viva Dulce!
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