My First Mexican Tattoo (a story about True Romance)

Today I was gently applied my first tattoo acquired in my beloved Mexico. I have many tattoos but I have not gotten one in Mexico...till today. So stoked.

Word on the street among the tattooed of Sayulita and Mexico is that there are not that many great tattoo artists out there. There are plenty of shops it seems, in Vallarta you may find one every corner of old town - but none that stand out in the right way. I did some late night, drunken research, and luckily I found a shop with some good art, a good vibe from their page, and more importantly, some good pics to judge from. After a hearty "Fuck it!", there we went.

The shop was called Mystique Tattoo, and the owner and artist was a young man named Miguel. His shop has been in old town for 6 years, this by his look and my opinion would have made him 12 when the shop opened it seemed. Mexicans look young like black don't crack, if you catch my meaning. Anyway, they are blessed with the visage of youth.

After a long morning heading into Vallarta (about an hour from Sayulita) and a solid 20 minutes of circling, with Maximo in arm and wife by my side, I went off to bleed.The shop was super clean, Miguel very nice, and things moved along quickly. I love getting tattoos, so there weren't too many nerves, just lots of excitement to get started. We did, he drew, I barely bled, and we were done! Watching someone get tattooed can be boring to a 8 month old, so Mom and boy went for a walk before the piece was done. A 20 min tattoo is a joy, while it brings you right back into the old familiar feelings, and as anyone who has knows, it makes you want more! Definitely plans in the works for the next one, both Andrea and I...

For me, this is something that was on my "Life-to-Do" list for some time so naturally it was a big day. I love Andrea so much. That should say it all, and it does in my mind...but...Even though I do have "Gabrea", our joint name tattooed on me, Its not the same as having her name. I have been talking about and meaning to get her name tattooed on my chest for over a year, so it's overdue. I honestly don't know how to make it clear enough to whoever is watching from above and below that I love her this much. Forever. Endlessly. With this upcoming Saturday being our 5 year anniversary of getting married, I had to do it. I don't think it could have been stopped, by forces of good or evil. It wasn't. I feel an amazing energy off this action, reaction, pro action...and that energy is LOVE. As new parents, we are currently in a time of exhaustion, with our child just working out movement and want, sleeping, not sleeping, etc... plus our second floor being built with Mexicans on our house and in our house all day... let's say we are rarely without commotion. For me, this branding, this personal pain, loss of blood, is a quiet salute to my love, my woman, my True Romance that will never go away, without me going as well...and even then...
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